
A car covers the first half of the distance between two places at a speed 40 Kmh-1 and the second half 60 Kmh-1.What is the average speed of the car?


$${Average \ speed = \frac{Total \ distance} {Total \ time \ taken}}$$

Let the distance between the two places be ‘2d’ Km

Time taken by the car to cover the first half of the journey

$${time =\frac{distance}{speed}=\frac {d}{40} \ hr}$$

And, time taken by the carto cover the remaining second half of the jorney

$${time =\frac{distance}{speed}=\frac {d}{60} \ hr}$$

The total time of the journey


$${Total \ time =\frac{5d}{120} \ hr} $$

$${Average \ speed =\frac{Total \ distance}{Total \ time}} $$

$${Average \ speed=\frac{2d}{\frac{5d}{120}}}$$

$${Average \ speed =\frac{240}{5}}$$

$${Average speed=48 \ \frac{Km}{h}}$$

The average speed of the car is 48 Kmh-1


Average speed of a car traveling at varying speed

$${Average \ speed =\frac{2v_1v_2}{v_1+v_2}} $$

$${Average \ speed=\frac{2(40)(60)}{100}}$$

$${Average \ speed=\frac{480}{100}}$$

$${Average \ speed=48 \ \frac{Km}{h}}$$

By Rajansmoorthy

Physics Instructor

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